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The Most Inspiring Stories in Memphis

The heart of our mission is to find the amazing souls that breathe life into our communities. In the recent weeks, we’ve had the privilege to connect with some incredible artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and rabble rousers and we can’t begin to express how impressed we are with the incredible group below.

Nate Mcquillen

House music and electronic music has always been underappreciated in Memphis, and Allied Kreations along with many other production companies and artists have put their own money, blood, sweat and tears on the line throwing these events. They don’t always go off, when they do we lose – but we’re in it for the music – not the money, not the recognition. Read More>>

Ryan Cleaver

In my lifetime, I can think of nothing else besides music that has stuck with me along every step of my journey, or that has affected me as profoundly. Since I was a child I have been enamored with music and the musicians who make it, and this admiration was furthered by my own family’s involvement in music. Every year my family has a reunion, and every year for my early life this reunion would include a show from our very own family band “Pippenfinch”. I enjoyed these shows immensely, and I often credit them as one of the biggest motivations for my passionate love for music. My father was an excellent guitar player and encouraged me to follow a musical path from the moment I was born, teaching me multiple instruments (or at least attempting to) and introducing me to countless genres. As I grew up I continued pursuing these passions on my own, and eventually, I decided I wanted to begin making music myself. When I was 16 I purchased Ableton Live 9, and my journey truly began. From making beats in my basement to recording and mixing full bands and albums myself, I have been blessed with countless opportunities to work with amazing people and creative artists. I am now working with artists in multiple states simultaneously, and I am preparing to release a lot more music before the end of 2024. From Maryland to Memphis music has allowed me to connect with and share my artistic passions with tons of wonderfully interesting people, and without it, I would not be in half of the positions I am today, or even be the same person. Read more>>

Ebony Lee

Ebony Renee Lee’s Journey: From Adversity to Advocacy

I’m Ebony Renee Lee, a sophomore biology pre-med major at Lane College, deeply passionate about social justice, equality, and creating meaningful change within the African American and minority communities. My journey has been shaped by a blend of personal trials, academic challenges, and a steadfast commitment to my goals. Read more>>

Ajay Allen

I started cinematography and sports media in high school. I was taking video production at the time and my teacher, Mr. Schwarz, made me instantly fall in love with the art of filmmaking. Fast-forward a couple of years and I have now been able to work with high end companies Like, NASCAR, NCAA, MLS and More. I’ve been able to develop relationships with athletes and creatives all over. I couldn’t be happier with the position that I’m in right now. Read More>>

Jakob Eliason

We learned pretty quickly that it was going to take quite a while for the facility to open, which prompted us to begin throwing “pickleball parties” around the city. We partnered with breweries and a few sponsors to help us bring it to life, and hundreds of people started showing up to our events. Read More>>

Daniel Bagherpour

The first check I received was for a golf documentary. I earned $900 in a weekend! It was the most money I had made that quickly in my life; on top of that, it was fun and I got to meet and hang out with cool people. After living in the states for the past 15 years, I went back to Turkey for 2 weeks to visit my old stomping grounds. While I was there, I met my girlfriend, who was born and raised in Memphis, and the rest is history. I now enjoy seeing Memphis through her eyes, meeting and working with friendly people and learning about Southern culture. Read More>>

Recarlo Mcdaniel

This betrayal of trust has taken a toll on my children’s mental health. Lately my primary focus is my family. The children have taken interest as well in various aspects of the family business. I keep active in the music business producing for local artists and film makers. My podcast The Super Beats Sunday Show keeps me busy broadcasting to over 1k viewers weekly. You should check it out. Read More>>

Stellar Kashif

Anything worth having is not easy. Being that I have 4 felonies, it took me a while to accept it. Because I didn’t think I’d ever have a real job, let alone a good one at that. The road to success and glory came with sweat, blood, and tears. I can admit it has its ups and downs. But waking up every morning to have the strength to handle business obligations, It requires effort and consistency, perseverance, and determination. My success stems from me developing a plan, investing in self, learning from my mistakes, and staying confident and motivated. Read More>>

Jimmy Wright

Everything I have done to succeed in this business has been from consistent work ethic always moving forward and learning from your mistakes. Basic trail and error. And just a few months ago Junk-it has partnered with Mattress Frim to offer home delivery services in It is with a humbled heart that I am still in business due to my awesome customers cause with out them there would be no Junk-it. Remeber at Junk-it we remove everything but concrete, rocks, shingles, and dead bodies. We get in, we get out, so you can get on with your life! Read More>>


Amina “ms. Streetz”

There have definitely been some challenges. I feel it was mainly based on me being a woman. This was around the year 2000 to I say 2004 when I would meet with major record executives and they would kind of brush me off and I watched men get treated differently. Some executives would say I like your music but it’s missing something then months or a year later I would hear the same music I sent to executives on the radio or mixtapes. Read More>>

April Kirkwood

Despite the warmth of family, my childhood was not without its challenges. My mother’s mental health struggles kept us tethered close to home, shaping a life where venturing too far felt impossible. Yet, within these confines, I pursued education fervently, achieving two master’s degrees and laying a foundation for the person I would become. Read More>>

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