Today we’d like to introduce you to Tae Golden.
Tae, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I go by the name of Tae Gold, and I am an independent artist and musician from Memphis. Music has always been one of my passions along with sports and fashion. I’ve always been a fan of music, how it’s created, and the various impacts that it can have on people. While being born & raised in Memphis, I struggled early in life to find my footing as far as what I wanted to make a career for myself. Over the years, my confidence in my abilities music-wise and my impact has grown tremendously. Writing has also always been a strong suit of mine which in turn, made my transition into songwriting and recording even smoother. I recorded my very first song from my cell phone on Soundcloud in 7th grade, but I did not take the recording and being an artist seriously until years later around 2017. Although I never recorded much in between that time, I was always writing and studying other producers’ and artists’ work processes and how they went about creating projects. It was not until 2017 that I started networking and meeting others that had the same passions which led to me breaking out of my shell and leaving my comfort zone behind. Seeing their work ethic and creativity sparked a flame inside of me that desperately needed a resurgence because without being around them, I wouldn’t have given myself a chance to tap into my full potential. I got the opportunity to see firsthand the process of what it takes to be an artist, and I fell in love with the aspect of creating things that come from a genuine space in life.
Seeing how people would react to my voice and sound when I wasn’t even confident in my own capabilities just made me want to go even harder for a dream that I almost gave up on. Fast forward to today, I am still just scratching the surface of my creativity and sound.
I’m unapologetic for who I am as a person, and I wear my heart on my sleeve on every track I record.
Music is subjective to the listener, and once I gained that understanding, I learned to not take this business and the critiques that come with it personally. I am not in this creative space to be liked by everyone or to be praised by all because the messages I put in each song will always be raw, unfiltered, and genuine. My music will align with and resonate with those who are meant to share this journey with me while I steadily improve and reach new heights.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
This journey has definitely not been a smooth road mainly because early on, I was lacking the confidence and mentality that it takes to be a successful artist.
I didn’t jump into this game with a major support system, the necessary relationships, the funds, or the tools needed to create. That bothered and discouraged me to the point where I just didn’t care to record.
I had to find a way to stop playing around with my own potential and make something happen by any means necessary no matter how small the steps were. Slow motion is better than no motion.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am an independent artist and musician, and I specialize in recording, mixing, and songwriting. I have been recording music since 2017, and I am most proud of how far my creativity and work ethic has come.
Being around others with similar passions helped rekindle a skill and focus that I was not tapping into with full effort.
That recording booth and microphone have been my muse, and I feel right at home whenever I’m in that space. What sets me apart from others is my versatility. I feel confident in saying that I can work with and create great things with any artist across all genres of music. There is no limit to what I can provide on any given song, and I know that will bode well for me.
What were you like growing up?
I was always more of an introvert growing up, and I stayed to myself a lot. Not much has changed over the years other than the fact that once I get comfortable around a person and get a good feel for who they are, I can be a lot more outgoing and expressive. Part of me being nonchalant and sort of indifferent around those I don’t know or people I don’t particularly care for is because I like to read the room wherever I’m and act accordingly. I won’t go out of my way to be a people person or a people pleaser if I don’t feel like those that I’m around are very genuine or authentic.
Growing up, my interests always revolved around music, entertainment, and sports. When it comes to football and basketball, I’ve always been a fanatic with football being my first love. Speaking of the entertainment side of things, I’ve also always been fascinated with comedy, acting, and producing films.
I enjoy watching the behind-the-scenes process of how a comedian’s or actor’s creativity will come to fruition on screen.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://found.ee/lWQf7?fbclid=PAAaaLlRk9gHIoZBBGgoGz_qdTmnbh_2NRrXo2k2sJK15UEbd_-flDrmLvYTM
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taeg0fficial/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mantegolden1
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/taeg0fficial
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCrA_DdVCYA9T0Jj9fOFEQ
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/tae-dinero-844125855?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=B5FE2E9997894A9EAB5BD7FEB9F9C9DE&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Image Credits
Kelsey Cotton; @visualsbykelsey