Today we’d like to introduce you to Ms. Pretty Features.
Hi Ms. Pretty Features, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
Amid a very challenging point in my life, Pretty Features was born. How I responded to such trying times was pivotal in shaping the woman I’ve grown into today. With that being said, Pretty Features is my way of showing how perseverance and resilience can look so damn sexy. God and I have been doing the damn thing for a little over a year now. I am beyond blessed and grateful. I couldn’t be prouder of myself. I love my brand. I love what it signifies. Most of all, I love being the woman behind it all.
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Has this been a smooth road? Lol, no! As I stated before, Pretty Features is something I chose to create in the face of hardship. My biggest challenge along this journey was bringing Pretty Features to fruition. Life is doing its thang; sometimes, it gets overwhelming, and one can get deterred. But My God doesn’t want me stressing over things out of my control. My God wants me to be focused, put in the work, and use the tools provided to become the best version of myself in this life. I gave all that contributed to the deterrence of Pretty Features to God, which was something tangible. And on the 22nd of December 2022, I introduced Pretty Features to the world.
Thanks for sharing that. Please tell us more about your business.
Pretty Features is an online clothing store currently catering to women. The mission of Pretty Features is to provide alluring, timeless pieces that complement all of the lovely features we women have been blessed with. Fashion that complements you is complicated to come by these days. Therefore, I’m very proud of the quality of the pieces my brand provides. Pretty Features has a special offer for those who want to shop ahead for the upcoming seasons. So, visit the site and use code: Early Bird for 30% off your favorite pieces.
Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting?
The evolution of Ms. Pretty Features has been one hell of a journey, yet so beautiful at the same time. Thus, I advise anyone on the entrepreneurship journey to be knowledgeable and patient and to learn to love the process. Be knowledgeable in what goods or services you plan to offer. You also need to be knowledgeable about the business side of things such as LLCs, sole proprietorships, franchise and excise taxes, tax-exempt sales, etc. Be patient while you bring your idea to life. Be patient when business may not be booming how you’d wish. Be patient when you mess up and patient when working on a new idea, but the perfectionist in you has taken over. This is a journey; you must learn to love the process. It’s one of the best parts of it all.
Contact Info:
- Website: prettyfeatures.co
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prettyfeaturesbrand/