Today we’d like to introduce you to Melissa Meadows
Hi Melissa, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
After being an “okay” runner for 15ish years, I found yoga. I thought this new discipline would save my knees and keep me in shape, but I found myself staying for the mental benefits. In late 2016, my friend dragged me into a heated power flow class at Hot Yoga Plus. I fell in LOVE..hard..and the rest is history. Nearly nine years later, over 500 hours of teacher training, and over three thousand classes taught, I have gained the best circle of friends, teachers, and yogis. The Memphis Yoga Community rocks! I feel so fortunate to be teaching the connection between mind, body, and spirit through the practice of yoga.
My classes include restorative, yin, powerflow, and vinyasa. Arm balances are my jam and I teach several workshops a year, breaking them down step-by-step. I adore seeing my clients grow physically and mentally in their practice. In 2023 I added Aerial Yoga to my teaching after completing a 30 hour certification. I am currently working on my pilates certification.
I am thrilled to be the organizer for this year’s Memphis Yoga Festival. While we are in the early stages of planning (festival will be held in early Fall), it is sure to be just as amazing as previous festivals. Yoga Fest is headed by Susannah Herring, owner of Hot Yoga Plus. She has done a great job over the years of providing a central location for Memphis yogis, Mid-South studios, wellness brands and vendors to gather and celebrate our thriving community. Every year this event gets larger and more diverse, including more disciplines of yoga and highlighting the ever-growing pool of talented yoga instructors and studios. I’m excited to share that this year we will be including a Spanish vinyasa class for the first time, as well as, a Sculpt + Yin class. We will also highlight fitness centers that offer yoga classes. We believe that yoga should be easily accessible for those wanting to practice and group fitness centers offer wonderful yoga.
In addition to teaching 5-8 classes a week, I’m wife to Bobby, and mom to Emma, Hannah, and Reese. I’m lucky to have them, and they are unbelievably supportive of my yoga gig. We’re a big soccer family, with all three girls playing, or have played, competitively. Our oldest is now a Senior at Mississippi State and will be headed to the University of Georgia for grad school. Middle sister is a Sophomore at University of Memphis and the littlest Meadows girl is a Sophomore at Bartlett High School. Life is full. We enjoy traveling, kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing, and live for college football season. I also enjoy embroidering and have a little sewing business, making life super busy and full.—- Roll Tide, Hail State, Go Dawgs, Go Grizz, and Go Tigers!
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I found yoga later in life–my late thirties. I started taking yoga classes at the Jewish Community Center. A particular teacher there (Barb) really ignited a love for the practice within me. After taking a few heated yoga classes at Hot Yoga Plus in 2016, I signed up for teacher training just weeks later. I jumped in head first. I think that made a big difference in my journey. Because I did not practice for 10 years or so, prior to becoming a teacher, I can remember how it felt to be new practitioner.
The Memphis Yoga Community is vast and filled with amazing teachers. It took a while for me to settle into my spot. I found that staying true to my purpose really helped my teaching. While my client group is very diverse—-different ages, backgrounds, body shapes, and skill level, I have always had a core group of yogis that motivates me. Teaching women will always be my first love—women who have lost themselves to a career, to a relationship, to motherhood, and so forth. I found a little lost part of myself through yoga years ago during a difficult season of life and I try to do the same for my clients. I love helping them work through their goals on their mat, resulting in more mindfulness and peace off the mat.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
While you can primarily find me at Hot Yoga Plus teaching my longterm clients and helping with front desk duties, I have also built a little yoga community in Bartlett, where my family moved in 2020. My husband and I took on a labor of love when we added a fully-functioning yoga studio in our basement and “Yoga at the Lake” was born. I have enjoyed hosting pop-up yoga classes, special classes, celebrations, clients’ birthdays, bachelorette parties, family classes, and friend groups.
My home studio has also given me a space to continue my education and provide a reformer option, as I go through pilates training.
Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
Bonnie Weeks is a big motivator for me. You can find her on IG as Carrot Bowl Bonnie or on her podcast, Yoga Strong. She is a yoga teacher, personal trainer, mom, and overall badass. I did Flow School Training with her in 2020 and it was life-changing. Hot Yoga Plus afforded me some wonderful training with Patrick Beach and Commune Yoga in spring of 2024. We hosted yogis from all over the United States. It was amazing.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.memphisyogafestival.com | www.melissameadowsyoga.com | www.hotyogaplus.com
- Instagram: @memphisyogafestival @melissameadowsyoga @hotyogaplusmemphis
- Facebook: @memphisy yoga festival @hot yoga plus memphis