Today we’d like to introduce you to Dominique Savage
Hi Dominique, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
It was my mother who originally instilled in me about being an entrepreneur. Around 8th grade is when she started teaching me photography and brought me along with her to gigs. She also used me as a model which allowed me to become more comfortable being in front of a camera because I hated taking pictures (due to insecurity). Years of shadowing her with this as well as her other ventures eventually influenced me to start my own business in 2015 as a freelance photographer. This is what I did throughout college in addition to multiple other jobs/hustles like serving at Hooters, tutoring kids, working at warehouses, etc.
My first camera definitely came from my mother but after a couple of years I decided to use the tuition reimbursement I received from FedEx to purchase a better camera. Unlike my first camera, this one had the ability to record videos. Even though taking pictures was bringing in good income, I was becoming more intrigued to start experimenting with the video functionality. This is where my true creative instincts were born. I honestly don’t remember what sparked my desire to film a podcast called Girl Talk in 2018, but somehow I convinced my friends and different guests to come on camera and talk about different topics during a time when no one else was doing it. This lasted for almost two years then in 2020, during the pandemic, I started writing different skits that me and my friends would act out on camera. This era did come to an end though as this was the year I graduated college and had to look for a career.
In 2021, after finally landing a full time job and being in the real world for about seven months, my mother calls me randomly and said she knew someone who makes movies in the city and was looking for an actress. I was then introduced to the director and was given my first opportunity to act in front of a camera. After getting a taste of what it’s like, my long lost dream of being an actress had found its way back to me. The very next year I started going to acting classes to learn more about the craft and to help my development as an actress. The training allowed me to grow as a performer and made me aware of the opportunities available for working actors locally. Although the classes were very beneficial, I also wanted to experience exposure and training elsewhere so in 2023 I attended a talent showcase in Orlando, FL hoping to land an agent and network. The experience did ultimately that, but I ended up not signing with any of the agencies that sought me out. Coming back from the trip, I was disappointed and felt like I wasted my time, struggling with my confidence and identity. After sitting in this state of depression for a couple of months, I decided to heal myself by getting fine and recording a visual for my bday to the Rihanna song “Needed Me”. The video had no real purpose other than that but the execution of it all made me remember how much I enjoyed bringing a creative vision to life. This led to me creating Savage World TV.
Savage World TV is a Youtube channel that I created in August 2023 to reflect a TV network. When it first launched, I premiered multiple shows that I created and starred in hoping to one day to expand my creativity further. After the last episode of the season premiered in December of 2023, I decided to take a break from the network because I got let go from my job and had things to figure out. The next month though, my acting teacher sent me auditions for an upcoming local feature. It was paid and money was needed at the time so I auditioned and ended up landing the lead role. This project was one of my main sources of income I was getting during my time of unemployment so I was grateful. While the movie was being filmed, one day I was on Issa Rae’s IG and came across her company Color Creative. I found myself on their page next and saw that they were starting up their Find Your People program again and it piqued my interest. The requirement for the category that I qualified for was to submit a film or reel that I directed so I decided to write a short film that I could direct. Then came my first short film, Young and Colored.
After writing, producing, directing, and editing the film, I submitted my application. Unfortunately, I did not make it into the program, but the news didn’t stop my momentum. I knew I wanted to keep making films and that being rejected did not define who I was as a creative, so I kept moving forward. Two months later, I finally got signed to my first talent agency and as of today I now have two short films under my belt. My latest film Rage was released a week ago and is doing really well on YouTube compared to Young and Colored.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
NOT AT ALL. I was taught at a young age though about resilience and adversity. I also see failures and challenges as just lessons and opportunities for growth. If I had to name some struggles specifically, it would be the difficulty balancing my creative life with the professional life that I formed with my degree. My realistic approach towards chasing my dreams always involved having a solid 9-5 first so sometimes that meant putting the craft on the backburner. Along this journey, I’ve also struggled with being consistent, self-doubt, depression, imposter syndrome, and plenty of distractions.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
For my 9-5 life, I am working full time for Google’s Operation Center. I’ve been with the company for about four months now and am loving my time here. For my creative life, I am a working actress and model meaning I am getting paid gigs to act and model. In my free time, I produce, write, and direct my own short films/shows.
I believe I am most known for my time in photography and my social media content over the years. But I am working on becoming more established and credible in the work I produce for my network and being a better actress.
Currently what I’m most proud of is my ability to balance the weight of my career and passions. I’m also proud of my second short film RAGE’s current success on YouTube. It’s been averaging about 1000 views a week.
One thing that I think that sets me apart from others is the experience I’m gaining in front and behind of the camera. This has allowed me to learn how to receive and give direction well.
Can you tell us more about what you were like growing up?
Personality wise as a kid, I would say I was goofy, determined, and outspoken. I was overall a good kid, had a good life, and didn’t get into much trouble. If I wasn’t at school or doing an extra-curricular activity, I would be at church, with family, or at home. While at home or with family, I enjoyed watching movies. Back then having the latest DVD or VHS was something to show off and don’t get me started on the movie collections! Gathering in the living room to enjoy a movie with family may be small to some but it’s a memory that I cherish. That joy along with the emotions that stemmed from watching an entertaining movie ultimately is what led me to want to act at an early age.
I honestly don’t remember much of my childhood before the third grade. That’s when I finally got settled into John P Freeman after hopping around a bit. I do know I struggled with my confidence as a little girl and always compared how I looked to others. Funny that everything I used to be insecure about then are now my favorite physical traits. Doing extra-curricular activities like cheer and dance helped with that lack of confidence I had as a kid though. Growing up I was also very independent. I was raised by a single mother of three with lupus so I had to learn how to take care of myself, work, and be educated.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominiquedsavage?igsh=bG5qczU4bGlsOGMy
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@_savageworldtv?si=SlFfbZ6_yOo7Uy9j