Today we’d like to introduce you to Tanieka Carter (BlackMagick)
Hi Tanieka, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
All my life ive been thrown into the spiritual world not fully understanding the importance of balance. I was always able to tap in spiritually even when i didn’t understand it at a young age. I just knew i needed to express it eith integrity. 9I did not truley embrace my power until I started modeling and being involved in theater and dance. A challenge that made me find who i really wanted to be. I use to be signed to Ny Models, traveled, got paid, connected with people etc. This helped me gain my confidence in myself and help me be able to pull that same confidence out of others which led me to Coaching other hopefuls. Once i realized that one change in your perspective could catapult you into a positive momentum or the opposite; I started teaching that to others. Through Model coaching, Spiritual coaching , and Dominatrix work. In order for me to understand more than just my on paradigm, I started researching psychology, etymology of things , got my certification in Reiki level 3, Chakra cleansing, Reflexology and more! I turned my Coaching into therapy! I started teaching people and creating workshops, retreats and classes on how to tap into both your light and dark aspects of your power. Through spirituality, psychology, healing trauma and expressive liberation, i have bern able to help others! This journey evolved me into being even more intentional about how i move, how i interact etc and helped me to be able to express myself through art, dance and theater! Being of service can be taxing at times but comes in Full circle of how ive always been able to find a balance. Whether its to perform, heal, punish etc but now in a new meaning. Being a Spiritual Coach helps me embrace all of humanity not just the pretty stuff. Burlesque has been my therapy on how i keep my cup full and how to heal the healer. My Dominatrix /Tantra work helps me help others embrace all aspects of themselves gracefully, learn true knowledge of self and to not be ashamed. Now i offer online courses, in person classes and even sessions for those seeking healing and liberation outside of the norm.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It has been very challenging getting others to see me in a full balanced aspect rather then the pedestal they try to put you on. I am human, I am not perfect and my profession teaches me that on a daily basis. I have always been a giver and this journey had taught me that even though i may end up getting hurt, used or misunderstood because of life’s stigmas; i still keep going. Society has taught us that our healing journey has to be linear, but that is not how life operates! Others only see me as a dark entity because i embrace all aspects, or others only want to see me on a pedestal of just Spiritual but I represent a balance of both light and dark. I can be Spiritual and Sexy. I can Heal and Destroy. Getting others to accept that i am not your typical spiritualist and sometimes i do give tough love, sometimes i do express myself sexually is important. It helps them embracs all aspects of healing within themselves that may be difficult but not impossible… Even Jesus flips a few tables in his time…🌀
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I was known for Modeling and Coaching. I have now evolved into Spiritual Coaching which includes, Spiritual Council, Performance Art and Dominatrix work. I offer books, products and spiritual council.
I include all of these aspects into my practice. I am a level 3 Reiki practioner, certified in Chakra cleansing, Mantra meditation, Reflexology A degree in Small Business development and a degree in Theater and dance.
I most proud of the connections ive made on this journey. The ShadowWork workbook i created . I am proud of How people are able to smile again and love themselves again and trust me in aiding in that journey. How i created an oasis in my own space for people to come and feel safe and heal! (SheTent)
How do you define success?
Success is a full belly, a sound mind , a roof over your head that is peaceful, loving friends who reciprocate and a happy family. I once cried because i was able to play in the mud with my children with no worries. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in trying to stay relevant that we miss the beauty in our every day life. Success is being able to wake up and be thankful for the little things and even more thankful for the bigger things. Keeping momentum even when you do not have the energy to do so. I am thankful for my journey.
- Tarot starts at $20
- Reiki /Shadow Work/Frequency work starts at just $75
- Burlesque/Tantra/Domme services depends on selections
- My online courses are from free-$15
- I also barter 🥰
Contact Info:
- Website: https://Www.TcHighVibes.com
- Instagram: https://Instagram.com/taniekac
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRoleModelCOACH
- Other: Tiktok: @Tchighvibes