Today we’d like to introduce you to Kahdejah Evonne.
Hi Kahdejah, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started Conversations with Evonne sitting in my cousin’s condo reflecting on how much I loved writing, entrepreneurship and mental health as well as realizing I am from a low poverty area, North Memphis. Initially, CWE was Talks with Evonne, which a podcast segment that I did from my iPhone laying across the bed of my mom’s home in North Memphis, Yet as I grew I wanted my platform to be more personable to my audience. Therefore I called it “Conversations” with Evonne instead of “Talks.” I’ve had a few mental health run-ins myself throughout my lifetime, especially through college. So the majority of my audience at first were college students and millennials.
Because of this, I know what my journey would consist of. Becoming a top Doctor/Professional in mental health and help those facing mental health instabilities. I thought, “how can I speak the message of mental health issues in poverty areas to the world.? I then researched and equipped myself with every education and scientific research literature that reflected upon issues in low poverty areas as well as adding life experiences. From my research, I target the main subtopics. That was: lack of entrepreneurship skills, lack of life skills, lack of motivation, lack of financial literacy which leads to lack of living resources, with a low poverty mindset that continued upon generations, and all of this caused mental instabilities as well as the main reasons of mental instability in low poverty areas. I then start building my platform through everything that is an issue within poverty, that is Entrepreneurship, Lifeskills, Financial Literacy and Motivation. All spreader through media including Magazines, Blogs, Celebrity Interviews, Entrepreneurship Guidance/Interviews and Podcast. All coming together to motivate educate and reduce the low poverty mindset and unconfirmed way of thinking towards success.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My main challenge was job loss, mental fatigue, burnout. If I wanted to be a top psychology I had to put my hands in so many educational endeavors while trying to work a job and uphold my platform. I because so discouraged at times because I couldn’t focus on my topic. It was a lot of going back to the drawing boards. A LOT. I would come up with a name of a part of my platform and delete it again. I would spend nights wide awake, trying to complete blogs and homework at the same time. I worked 3 jobs in the mental health field once. I even opened my own Creative Wellness Center and had to close it in 3 months due to not having enough funds and job loss. I was only 22. Didn’t even have a plan just knew what I wanted to do. Now you see what I mean by “low poverty thinking” and no entrepreneurship or life skills will keep us there. Including financial instability creates mental health issues. I had to learn and when I learned to learn to not do this and not do that and GET REST accordingly my platform became my best friend and will continue to grow.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a Mental Health professional who enjoys reducing the stigma of mental health through cultural appropriation and values. I own CWE Anger Management Clinic and Behavioral Health Research which focuses on creative wellness techniques to reduce mental health instabilities in adults as well as children specializing in depression as well as anger. “Connect with the Crowd” and “Don’t Be So Technical,” is what I focus on when doing this. I want the spread the correct information but also make those connections because it could go over others’ heads. I know what I’m doing is no the usual sometimes I feel like superwoman because I am worthy. This level of confidence honestly came from constant failures and I had to rise up and chin up for myself because if you don’t believe in yourself nobody will believe in you.
I am known for my writings and talks about mental health on Facebook as well as Instagram, my podcast/podcast studio and my talents. I love to throw events within the CWE Platform called CWE Socials for young millennials, professionals and entrepreneurs to come together, network and just had fun, Throwing events within my CWE network and CWE Events is just what I am most proud of myself. I am proud of the four books I’ve written and plan on pushing them some more. And I am mostly proud of the city that I’ve come from it making it through from some of the hardest areas. That’s what sets me apart from others.
Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
My favorite books are “The Narrative of The Life Of Federick Douglass,” “The Soul of Black Folk,” “I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings,” and “Black Fortunes.”
I adore these books because they have molded me into who I am today, including Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey (we share the same birthday), Nikki Giovanni, James Baldwin, Langston Hughes. Tyler Perry, Gabrielle Union, Tracee Ellis Ross, Black Panther “Women of The Struggle,” Michelle and Barack Obama and most importantly my friends and family. These people and their books and teaching equipped me to who I am today.
My favorite psychology book is “Counseling The Multiculturally Diverse,” by Sue & Sue, I encourage all young professionals to get that book and read it. The cultural values of it and the rawness is just as real as it gets including “How To Train A Slave,” which explains the Willie Lynch Letter and African American History.
- CWE Business, Event/ Entrepreneurship Blog: $150
- 500 Business Cards: $40
- CWE Business Content Public Relation/Creation: $300+ monthly
- CWE Mental Health Crew Necks: $40
Contact Info:
- Email: Conversationswithevonne@gmail.com
- Website: www.conversationswithevonne.com
- Instagram: Conversationswithevonne_
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kahdejahevonne.stevens.3
- Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/kahdejahevonne?lang=en
- Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pl5hxemgqzs
Image Credits
Marterrio Hawkins