Today we’d like to introduce you to Bianca Stitts.
Hi Bianca, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
How did I get where I am today? A roller coaster wouldn’t be the correct metaphor, but where I am today has shown me how powerful God’s love and grace truly are. I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Memphis, TN; I graduated and am a proud alumna of Whitehaven High School (2008). I attended Tennessee State University and returned home to Memphis in 2013 to figure out what I truly wanted to do with my life. 2013 was when the journey began. I have done everything from bartending to customer service, volunteer work, retail sales, fitness centers, etc., you name it. Bianca has done it! Nothing sparked my passion thought, and that bothered me. When I began substituting teaching for (then) Shelby County Schools, I realized I loved children and education.
There was never a dull moment, and the relationships I developed with the children were nothing short of life-changing and influential. I found my voice and my purpose in the community. I stepped away from the classroom for a few years, and in 2018 I gave into what God had been placing on my heart for YEARS, began a Master’s program online(M.Ed. awarded May 2020), and got my first teaching position. Every year I taught (4-5 years), I grew a deeper passion for our youth and began noticing the foundational gaps that the scholars had. During the pandemic, those gaps were noticeably growing, and after physically returning to school, educators’ jobs got a lot more stressful. This wasn’t because of the children but the overwhelming state of education we hear about daily. I knew I wanted to become an entrepreneur, but I was afraid of the risk. There was a sense of comfort in the salary pay and expected school schedule, but in the Fall of 2021, I decided that early childhood education was one of the solutions to the issue of foundational gaps. I also knew that I had the right resources around me, women that had been in the childcare industry for years/decades. I reached out to them, and they took me right under their wings as I began the licensing process with DHS. Yes, the process took me nearly a year, but the growth in this process of starting Resilient Learner’s Academy has been nothing short of amazing. My community’s support was a heavy reminder of why I love my city! It truly takes a village, and that is what RLA is an extension of to each scholar enrolled- village and community. It has been far from easy, but I have the foundation for a legacy built on faith, community, leadership, education, and love that can now be passed down for generations to come after me in Resilient Learner’s Academy.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I compare this journey to hiking and not a beginner’s level hike. The roads are tricky, there are steep inclines, and you grow weary. However, when you reach your destination- the views are breathtaking! Starting a childcare center takes work. Resilient Learner’s Academy is not a babysitting agency, so there is a lot of grit behind what everyone sees today. The licensing process takes months; there’s the financial investment, recruitment, and marketing. I am home-based, so aside from my support system, I am a 1 man team. But again, when it’s something you’re passionate about, the hassle and work put in doesn’t bother you at all!
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
I own and operate a home-based childcare center, Resilient Learner’s Academy. I specialize in Early Childhood Education and teaching the whole child (social-emotional learning, stem, project-based learning, etc.). What sets me apart from others is that I am passionate, and I can meet each child where they are. I openly communicate with parents/guardians to ensure unity in the growth process of the scholars, which is a big help. And I love them as if they are my own. I’m most proud of the journey that I spoke on previously. I know this is what God has for me, and I can’t wait to see what this journey holds.
Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
I love my city. It’s crazy now because, in my twenties, all I wanted to do was get away(which I did). But it only made me miss Memphis so much more. The food, the culture, the love throughout the community, my family and friends (Unmatched, all of them) make being back such a better experience. I had to realize that with age.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/resilientlearnersacademy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086312141294