Today we’d like to introduce you to Ebony Jones.
Hi Ebony, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
Well, I’ve been playing in hair since age 14. I always used it for income when I fell on hard times but the hardest time came at 27 when I was arrested and charged with a felony for defending myself in a domestic situation. I worked a lot of temporary jobs until enough became enough and I decided to take a chance at a job with my sister.
It was $7 an hour and no way was that working for me and two kids. One day I turned in my handbook and walked out into the next day where I resumed doing hair and never looked back. Almost 15 years later and every struggle was worth the reward of a better life for me and my kids and now my husband of 7 months.
Through all of what I went through, including attempted suicide, self-sabotage, homelessness, and alcohol abuse, I made it! I NEVER GAVE UP ON MYSELF!!! There was and is a purpose for me and I am walking in it now. Nothing was easy, even going from house to house as a child but I have never harbored a regret and I have never wondered “what if”.
I think those two pieces of my mindset, along with my two beautiful daughters, are why I have persevered and am becoming the woman I am destined to be.
Now, not only am I a beauty professional but I also have a clothing boutique, co-own industrial cleaning business with my husband, NINE2621 Janitorial and Sanitizing Company, and have an organization for young ladies ages, 10` to 17, to teach them everything that I learned the hard way (Goalden Girls Social).
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
“NO-thing worth it comes easy.” It was definitely not easy and the struggles were many, but worth it to date. Had to make a ton of u-turns and ran into many dead ends but I carried the map in my mind and heart and will always trust it. My map? The Bible. All of my help came from the one who never gave up on little ole me.
I tell my stories often about what it was like when my oldest and I experienced homelessness, when I attempted to take my life and when I was raped; I tell it ALL as a coping mechanism of knowing that I am not the only one and also to make sure others know that neither are they.
Took a long time and the load was very heavy but the race is not given to the swift or the strong. It was given to me because I endure and I will until the end.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
“A different type of body art. A different type of Urban”.
That’s my mission statement. My logo to speak. I “do” hair, I clean buildings, I sell clothes, I mentor young ladies, and I do many things but the one thing I love accomplishing the most is passing my energy over to girls and women who come in needing it.
Who needs to talk to ears with no mouth. I am sort of a popular loner but I think I am known mostly for simply being me. I am proud of what I have accomplished and humble enough to know how fast it can be taken away. As for my career, feel free to take a look on social media at Urban Links: The Brand or Google me.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
I was kind of quiet towards the end of growing up so many people thought I was mean but I really had been through so much in private that my social growth was stunted.
I believe that I was sweet to those who gave me the chance to be but I was a rebel, misunderstood, and misplaced, so I never had a circle.
( My story sounds so sad putting it into historical content but that’s really not the case).
My mom worked a lot and as a mother, I get it now, but I can’t say I really had the childhood I wanted which is why I make sure my children do have theirs. Onward- upward, right. Hearts.
Contact Info:
- Email: customercare@nine2621.com
- Website: www.urbanaf.com
- Instagram: @urbanlinks_thebrand
- Facebook: Urban Links: The Brand
Image Credits:
Monterrio Hawkins