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Daily Inspiration: Meet Jarvis Hall

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jarvis Hall.

Hi Jarvis, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
My fitness journey started in my junior year of high school in 2009. I would work out for 30 minutes every day after school hoping to lose body fat and gain muscle mass. The workout consisted of 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and 50 push-ups. In the fall of 2010, I began my freshman year at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN. That year I began using the campus rec center to jog 1 mile a day and I enrolled in a personal conditioning and beginner weight lifting course.

The instructor of the class prescribed my first fitness plan and I dedicated myself to that plan for 4 consecutive years. I then moved back home to Memphis, TN in the summer of 2014. I moved back with a lack of motivation to pursue my fitness program and fell into a dark and low place mentally and physically. One day during that low point, I found the courage and strength to make a vow to myself, “After we get through this… let’s never get to this place again!”

In February 2015, I found full-time employment, purchased my first gym membership, and started as a part-time exercise science student at the University of Memphis. From the winter of 2015 until the winter of 2016, I experimented with a mixture of weightlifting, cardio, and meal prepping. Everyone and I noticed a completely different body composition. I was lean and I had developed some toned muscles. I was motivated to set and achieve more fitness goals. That 12-month personal transformation completely changed my life!

I realized that my results inspired others and I could create a business to help guide individuals like myself with their fitness journeys. “Real Elite” was a saying that my high school friends and I used countless amount of times to describe people, places, and/or things that we admired. So, when it came to establishing my business I chose the name Real Elite Fitness Company LLC.

Today, I have successfully guided a litany of fitness journeys and continue to do so weekly with individual, group training, online, and in-person training. Real Elite Fitness exercise scientist curates comprehensive, client-tailored wellness programs that include: prescribed movements/exercises, guided nutrition plans, and mobility and recovery plans. My goal is to move into a physical location by the end of 2023 where an environment of inclusion and personal development can be fostered. Real stories and real results are on the way!

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, It has not been a smooth road. I had so many close friends and family members that did not believe in me. I had to learn how to work out alone, dream alone, and learned the first steps of legally establishing a business alone. It was a process that drove my vision and I am now grateful for having to endure those lessons.

Also, in September of 2016, I lost my mother. I began therapy and for the first time I learned how to articulate my feelings and I began to gain an understanding of my childhood experiences that reflected in my personality and motivations.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am an entrepreneur and visionary. My specialty in entrepreneurship is in exercise, sport, and movement science. I also specialize in tourism: Memphis African American culture and history tour conductor with A Tour of Possibilities, I am known for my work as an exercise scientist and personal transformation specialist.

I am most proud of bringing my childhood dreams of physical fitness, business, and creative storytelling to fruition. I am proud of committing to my personal goals that bring life-changing value to others. I am proud of being a positive representation of African American Memphis culture.

My faith and the divine order of my family, fitness, and business story set me apart from others. My intention of solving problems for myself in order to serve others sets me apart from others. My gift of unlocking the confidence of others so that they leave feeling empowered sets me apart from others.

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I can be reached online to set up a fitness consultation, or business collaboration by:



Instagram: @realelitefitnessco

FB: @Jarvis Hall

I am accepting donations of fitness equipment, monetary donations to support the acquisition of a physical location (gym), and accepting business, fitness, and social media sales/marketing interns.


  • $50 (60 min) Online Fitness Consultation & Discovery Call

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Taryn Jerdon

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