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Exploring Life & Business with Tammie Ross of Residence by Ross

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tammie Ross.

Tammie Ross

Hi Tammie, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
In the spring of 1998, my husband and I eagerly purchased our first home, the culmination of years of diligent saving for the down payment. This achievement held particular significance for us, especially considering my husband’s upbringing in public housing and being the first in his family to own a home. It was a thrilling realization of the American Dream of homeownership.

However, our excitement waned when, while bathing our two young sons, a tile from the bathtub surround dislodged, revealing deteriorated wood and a termite infestation behind the wall. We had unknowingly acquired a problematic house with no recourse. This forced us to take on part-time work alongside our demanding full-time jobs just to finance the necessary repairs. Every spare penny we earned went into fixing our house, and we felt betrayed.

Thankfully, within 18 months of moving in, we managed to repair the house and sell it at a break-even price, vowing never to purchase an existing home again. Our next venture led us to a new home from a mass builder, with a premium paid for a more desirable lot. Unfortunately, we later discovered that another home would be constructed DIRECTLY in front of ours in the next phase of the development.

Our disputes with the builder proved fruitless, and we naively realized that merely requesting an updated plat would have allowed us to choose a different lot and avoid the undesirable outcome of having our neighbor’s backyard directly in what should have been our front yard. Once again, our housing predicament continued due to our lack of knowledge. Fortunately, two years later, we sold the house and began searching for a more suitable location.

Our third home was another new build by a mass builder. Equipped with newfound knowledge, we selected one of the best lots in the neighborhood and collaborated with the builder to enhance the floor plan. Our changes were so successful that the builder replicated our design in 59 houses, which was both flattering and bittersweet. However, more importantly, it served as confirmation that we were evolving as homebuyers, and our past losses had become invaluable lessons.

Inspired by this journey, I decided to dive into the real estate industry in 2003, aiming to prevent future mistakes and explore my burgeoning love for real estate. Between 2003 and 2007, my husband and I became well-versed in the industry and new home construction. In 2007, we honed our skills and personally oversaw the building of our first custom home, igniting a passion for residential construction.

From there, my husband and I ventured into building houses for investment, realizing our proficiency and creativity in the process. Our love for every aspect of construction blossomed, and I nurtured a dream of becoming a home builder. In 2022, I took the leap to pursue my dream, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
As Andrew Carnegie wisely stated, “Anything worth having is worth working for.” And indeed, this journey has demanded a tremendous amount of effort. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2022, women in the construction industry accounted for just 10.9 percent of the entire U.S. workforce, with African American women comprising a mere 6.7%.

These statistics alone were daunting. Realizing that I would be entering a male-dominated industry with a history of limited diversity made it clear that I needed to excel in my education. Not only did I have to be innovative and creative in my designs, but I also had to ensure that the homes I built surpassed expectations, even with narrower profit margins. Building a strong foundation of education was essential.

Armed with an MBA in Project Management from Louisiana State University and graduating Cum Laude from Christian Brothers University, I honed my academic skills to create a blueprint for success. My commitment to continuous improvement was exemplified when I earned certification as a Six Sigma Green Belt Professional, signifying mastery of the Six Sigma improvement methodology, decision-making acumen, and strategic leadership.

Following these achievements, I embarked on the challenging journey of studying for and taking the General Contractor’s test. It took me four attempts to pass this exceptionally difficult exam, and at times, I contemplated giving up. However, my determination to realize my dream of becoming a builder kept me going.

After meeting and exceeding the educational requirements to become a builder, Residence by Ross officially opened its doors in December 2022. Meeting the financial prerequisites, I submitted my application to the state for approval. Acquiring the necessary approval was an arduous process, but with patience and persistence, my dream became a reality on May 26, 2023, when the state of Tennessee granted me a monetary limit of $780,000, with a 10% tolerance, allowing me to build up to $838,000 (including materials and labor) per project.

This meant that, including land costs, and builder and realtor fees, I could list properties as Million Dollar Listings. I was ecstatic that as a first-time builder, I was awarded this remarkable opportunity, proving that the journey was unquestionably worth the wait and the hard work.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Our mission at Residence by Ross is to reimagine the concept of opulent living by crafting homes that seamlessly blend modern design with the art of comfort. Whether you are embarking on the journey of building your dream home or seeking a space that resonates with your lifestyle, our distinguished team of architects, builders, and designers is here to create a tailored strategy that aligns with your vision and budget.

At Residence by Ross, our focus is on the client. We cater to individuals who appreciate the finer things in life, regardless of their chosen price point. Our expertise lies in crafting quality homes at median price levels, ensuring that every resident can experience a life of luxury without compromise. Sustainability is at the core of our ethos, as we curate homes that are not only exquisite but also conscientious, addressing the needs of the average American who desires a home that stands the test of time.

We are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of living, backed by a foundation of excellence. This commitment is fortified by our deep-rooted relationships with a team of skilled subcontractors and seasoned experts. Our unwavering integrity and meticulous attention to detail reflect our dedication to building not just houses, but enduring family legacies.

Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
Recognizing the significant risks within the construction industry, which encompass financial uncertainties, market fluctuations, and regulatory complexities, conducting thorough research, seeking counsel from experienced professionals, and establishing a clear plan were imperative steps before diving in.

Given that Residence by Ross is a family-owned and operated business, we engaged in meaningful discussions with our family, with a special emphasis on our eldest son, Darby Ross. His invaluable assistance played a pivotal role in calculating and mitigating risks, strengthening our prospects for success in the construction industry.

Embracing this venture has proven to be a gratifying pursuit. The empowerment that comes from overseeing every facet of construction, from design and planning to execution, is truly invigorating.

As builders, we actively contribute to meeting the housing needs of our community, knowing that providing quality homes can profoundly enhance the lives of those who reside within them. Lastly, building homes allows us to craft a lasting legacy, with each home serving as a testament to our skills and craftsmanship, enduring for generations to come.

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Incredibly Wee

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