Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Reid.
Elizabeth, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Returning home in 2021 stirred a mix of emotions—nostalgia, joy, and, at times, a sense of unresolved tension. Growing up in the Frayser, my journey was shaped by my community and my grandfather’s incredible resilience. He adopted me alongside my siblings, giving us a sense of belonging and purpose.
My first job at the Rainbow Clothing Store on Frayser Blvd was more than just employment; it was an education. As a sales associate, I witnessed the raw beauty and tenacity of Memphians and their grit and grind spirit. At just 15, I walked daily to work, school, and practice, saving every penny I could for college. Leaving Memphis to commission as an Army officer was bittersweet, as it meant saying goodbye to the familiar while embracing a call to service.
Experiencing Frayser for the first time since my departure left me feeling perplexed. It seemed frozen in time, with challenges like crime and resource divestment ever-present. But it also held endless potential. Creatives, talent, culture, and athleticism drench the community with little to no guidance. I realized that I was never alone at every stage of my success. My success story had many co-authors: mentors, coaches, and allies who stood by me. This revelation lit a fire in me—a call to give back what was so generously given to me.
Fueled by this passion, my husband and I birthed our nonprofit Sagacious Academy—a haven for dreamers and rebels eager to rewrite the rulebook. Sagacious Academy is a beacon for those ready to break free from archaic traditional paths and forge their unique journeys, all while being rooted in the loving support of their community.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Starting a non-profit was not an easy decision for me. My husband and I spent considerable time volunteering for causes and organizations that addressed issues important to us. As a small business owner and caregiver, I questioned whether adding another responsibility to my plate was wise. It was difficult to sleep at night knowing that there were people in need, searching for change without a place to turn, and I could be a light to ignite that change. Somehow, God made room and created opportunities for everything to fall into place. Our support system and individuals who shared our passion stepped forward and graciously took on the charge.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Sagacious Academy ?
Sagacious Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to empowering youth and emerging leaders (ages 12–25) in Memphis, TN, through a comprehensive program that integrates academic enrichment, leadership development, emotional wellness, physical resilience, and adaptive educational support. Our programming is designed to equip participants with the tools and confidence to excel academically, personally, and professionally.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up, I was a tomboy in a dress, driven and focused on my future. Despite having five older sisters, I developed a special bond with my two younger brothers. JROTC and sports were crucial aspects of my life. When I wasn’t in formation, running track, or participating in cross country, you could find me in the press box, taking statistics for my high school football team. I also joined clubs that allowed me to write and express my creativity.
During my junior year of college, I began to embrace my femininity and wholeness as a Black woman with many talents. Attending an HBCU provided the space and safety to be unapologetically myself. It’s safe to say I am introverted, with extrovert tendencies. I respect my time and cherish it with those I love.
- We are always looking for speakers, donations, and volunteers!
- Email mikereid@sagaciousuniversity.com to support!
- Call 984-538-0189 to learn more or support us today!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.sagaciousuniversity.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagaciousuniversity/