Today we’d like to introduce you to Kathleen Slavish.
Hi Kathleen, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
As a kid, I loved art. I would draw cities with plumbing and architecture while we traveled. Growing up, we moved a lot. I loved branding and marketing, logos, and commercials (my favorite) so it’s no surprise I ultimately chose graphic design as my career. Like most 18-year-olds have no idea who they are or what they want to do, so I didn’t pursue it at first. I went on several different paths including education, business, and then nursing (I was terrible at science – what was I thinking?) So, it took me a minute to go duh! The graphic design is a perfect fit!
My dad was not happy with my choice of graphic design and my choice of boyfriend (even though they had never met), so I was kicked out of the house at 18. I have been homeschooled my whole life, so the “real world” was a culture shock. I put myself through school at Northwest Mississippi Community College thanks to a presidential scholarship.
On weekends, I was cleaning toilets at my local dental office. There is no shame in going to community college for your basics – save your money! My pastor encouraged me to get married to my boyfriend (against my parent’s wishes) and a year later we were hitched. One month into my marriage, I had no idea who I had married. I went into a huge depression, gained 70 pounds, and was so lost. My then-husband convinced me to work full-time at a bank, so I dropped out of school and took a banking job. Lost and very unhappy I knew I had to take control of my life. It was up to me to put myself in a better position. I applied for scholarships and put myself back in school at the University of Memphis much to my husband’s dismay. He didn’t want me to be free or independent. I spent the next three years in utter bliss—drawing, learning, and being creative. I found part of myself there. To make ends meet, I continued cleaning toilets and started filing medical charts until 10 PM every night.
I finally got fed up with the emotional abuse from my ex-husband and divorced him. I knew I didn’t deserve that type of treatment, but I didn’t have the confidence to get out of the relationship. Plus, my parents were against divorce which was a huge reason why it didn’t happen sooner. I decided my life was my own and I needed to make a change to be happy and live my best life, my only life. I put myself first, got back on track, lost 70+ pounds, and started running 5Ks. In school, I interned at a graphic design studio where I learned to work with a team and use my graphic design skills in the real world—building websites and designing everything from billboards to business cards. After a while, I wanted a new challenge, so I then worked at a magazine and newspaper (RIP) where I learned the art of print and advertising design. Next, I worked at a furniture company as a marketing specialist where I learned how to develop marketing campaigns digitally and through print. This all occurred in three years’ time. Can you tell I wasn’t completely satisfied? I bounced around a lot which is totally ok! It takes a minute to find your place and what you actually want.
In between all of this jumping around, I met my now husband who is absolutely the BEST. The thing about relationships is each partner should always encourage the other to grow into the best person you can possibly be and that is exactly what my husband did for me. I would not be where I am today without him. We actually met at the farmers’ market where we reached for the same apple, gazed into each other’s eyes and the rest is history! Just kidding about the apple part but seriously it was a pretty memorable way to meet. He knew my dream was to open my own business and encouraged me to go for it. I finally did, but in the process, I utterly fell apart. The weight of working full time, being a new wife, and just going like crazy for the past few years finally caught up with me… I was exhausted.
I took a little rest, began seeing a therapist, and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder that can develop in my late 20s. I honestly think I was so busy I wasn’t taking care of myself and didn’t have a chance to take a breath and question what was going on in my body and my head. Since the diagnosis, I have been taking some awesome meds (thank you to the power of science!) and I have completely balanced out. During this time I also developed a healthy relationship with my parents. None of this happened overnight but struggle only makes you stronger.
Once I evened out, I went back to building my business. I started asking people that I already knew if they needed design work. I also hooked up with a couple of marketing firms that connected me with jobs. Thankfully, these amazing people not only recommended me but also believed in me and gave me additional design work. One of my love languages is words of affirmation and I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for those encouraging people at the beginning. I had so much work that I had to start delegating to people who could do it faster and better than I could, so I found some amazingly talented people through the University of Memphis, UpWork, and recommendations given by trusted people.
I now have a successful design studio called Kattilew Design where I build websites, and brands, and develop SEO. I have seven talented contractual workers; I make my own hours and get to travel the world. This did not come easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. I built my clientele by following this motto: The only person who is going to promote you is yourself. I took every opportunity to advertise my business. Sales come very naturally to me because I’m going to brag for a second… I can literally talk to anyone. Cold calling has also been a huge part of my sales which is not easy. It’s scary to be rejected. I use the 3-2-1 rule where you count down and when it comes to 1 you go for it. Try it the next time you want to press the snooze button just one more time.
A friend recommended I join the board for Memphis Fashion Week for a graphic design where I made so many connections, one of which offered me a position to teach graphic design at the University of Memphis which has been an amazing way to give back to the community. I then went on to build a platform site called Better U that helps life coaches find clients. My next venture is in a text message marketing company, My Go Mobile, which will advertise to the easiest people to sell to, the clients you already have.
Clearly, my life wasn’t a straight path, but these jobs and life experiences prepared me to run my own successful businesses. I have been through a lot, but it has made me into the strong person I am today, and I don’t regret any second of it. I choose to stay positive, life is a gift. I’ll leave you with this, belief is everything. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
At Kattilew Design, we see ourselves as image specialists. We know that making a great first impression is the key to building a trustworthy brand identity, so we take pride in carefully crafting and developing content that engages, invokes recognition, and drives action. Our unwavering commitment to providing our clients with quality and measurable results is evidenced in our products. Ultimately, we believe that luck is created, and it is our hope that you will allow us to create yours.
We are known for creative, out-of-the-box, one-of-a-kind designs that really make your brand sparkle. We utilize colors, fonts, hierarchy, and animations (when feasible) just to name a few that really sets your brand apart. Whether you want a beautiful corporate website (ifrahfinancial.com) or something very creative (www.nailbarand.co) we know how to make your brand stand out!
We are proud of working with non-profits including ArtsMemphis, Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama, and Memphis Fashion Week. It’s also pretty cool to say we have worked with some bigger names like FedEx, Hilton, and Massage Heights. Creativity wise Nail Bar and Co was so much fun to work on as well as a few that are coming soon… Infinity Events and TCB and Co.
Visual design is our specialty. We focus on creating impactful imagery that incorporates the fundamentals of your company’s message, producing recognizable and memorable designs. Our visuals are carefully crafted to elevate your desired tone and target your ideal customer.
Logo and Brand Development
Your logo and branding set the tone for your company, quickly telling your potential customers who you are and what they can expect from working with you. We design a logo and branding strategy that commands attention, creating an appealing and lasting impression in your potential client’s minds.
Everything in Between
We don’t believe in limits, that’s why our full-service design capabilities include everything from business cards to billboards. If you can dream it, we can design it.
We know that first impressions are everything, so we’re committed to creating an eye-catching website that tells your story efficiently and directs your potential client into action. We work cohesively with your brand or collaborate with you to design/create one that makes your company stand out.
Content Creation
Content needs to be creative and original, drawing your audience in and telling your story. Our team of copywriters will work with you to capture your unique message and present it with engaging content that connects with your viewers, building your credibility and client base.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
It’s pretty simple: More visibility means more business. We integrate relevant, researched keywords into your website to increase your SEO among top search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, driving more traffic to your site.
Google Analytics
We monitor your website so you don’t have to. Our management services include SEO and content updates, monthly Google Analytics reviews to give you insight into your customers, and cyber protection from harmful malware.
Our goal is to make you stand out. We want your brand to be consistent, and memorable, and foster a trustworthy image. We accomplish this by creating a marketing strategy that ties together the elements of your brand through social media and print marketing, with a focus on leveraging your strengths in order to boost results.
Print and Digital Marketing
We get to know your business and understand your greatest strengths in order to create polished and professional collateral that engages with your clients – catching their attention and driving them to action.
Facebook and Instagram Advertising
Investing in social media advertising ensures you are reaching the right clients. We help guide you in selecting specific locations and demographics to influence your ideal customers directly.
I’ve also built a company called Better U where you can connect to a life coach that matches your wants and needs through mobile, video, or in-person.
My next venture is a text message marketing company called My Go Mobile that will keep you connected to the easiest people to sell to, the clients that you already have.
What do you like and dislike about the city?
I love Memphis because it’s a small enough city to have a voice. I’ve been able to make a difference here. I’ve been able to be on the Memphis Fashion Week board, teach at the University of Memphis and do various other projects for non-profits that give back to the community and help it grow.
It’s also a really great place to grow a business. This city is very interconnected, everybody knows everybody, and many people want to see this city grow so the encouragement and word of mouth are incredible.
I was going to move away but then I met my husband here who has an incredible job that he loves at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital so we ended up staying. I’m so glad we did. I’ve now been here for 20+ years (I moved here when I was 8) and I defend Memphis with a passion – so I AM a true Memphian!
The thing I don’t like about Memphis is the invisible borders. I wish I had a solution but I’m going to do the best I can by being loving and friendly to everyone to make everyone feel comfortable and included.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.kattilew.com
- Instagram: @kattilew
Image Credits
Whitney Daniels