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Life & Work with Angela H. Brown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angela H. Brown.

Hi Angela, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I remember at the age of fifteen years old just 36 years ago wanting to become a licensed cosmetologist, my humble beginnings. In 1989, I officially was behind the chair scared but ambitious and ready to save every strand of hair! Instantly my energy was to give clients healthy hair.

As the years turned, many talents began to nudge my soul, I remember telling my attorney while I was styling her hair, that I wanted to write a book. She left and came back with a legal pad and said so write your first book. The next thing I knew the pencil took charge on the pad and (IT’S MO BETTER THE SECOND TIME AROUND ) was finished.

My next book was a tell-all about healthy hair, (HOW TO GET THE HEALTHY BACK IN YOUR HAIR). My clients encouraged me to develop some products because I had become a mixologist at the salon. From 2010-2013, I started mixing different oils that will regrow hair. I removed an ingredient that was a filler, and the magic began. My client’s hair started growing, but my confidence was poor that I could sell it to the world.

So I was encouraged by my husband and clients to develop more products, and sell them to the world. In 2015, Communities Unlimited a non-profit was my first lender, who gave me my first opportunity to make the dream come true! I launched in 2016 and officially my product brand D’Serv Professional Hair Care Products! Now before the launch, I was the one in the kitchen mixing, bottling, and placing labels, along with my husband.

The demand got out of hand so off to find manufacturers, I had no clue what I was doing when It came to marketing, but I would take a deep breath and fake it until I make it attitude! I was denied by many salon professionals I remember crying in my SUV, and asking GOD why is everything so hard for me! Well, I got over that and put my BIG GIRL SHOES on and kept walking into so many doors with a smile.

In between, I kept developing products, and in 2019, I added hair tools to help the hair loss customers, I understood that abandonment stimulation also causes slow to no hair growth, so our 1,0 mm derma roller, and scalp stimulator helped along with my hair loss products.

D’Serv has helped so many people, after Cancer, side effects from medication, damage from protective styles, natural hair, damage from chemicals, and traction, & CCCA Alopecia, and we also grow beards. D’Serv constantly has had to prove itself, with very little funding, but determination a flame of fire that wouldn’t go out!

During COVID, I understood my purpose was to help women and men get rid of the shame and grow their hair back with an understanding of their texture and what products truly work for them. So in 2021, I invented a system called D’Serv PACC, which means PERFORMANCE, APPLICATION, COACHING & CONSISTENCY. I also joined the American Hair Loss Council in Franklin TN.

On my website I give free hair care consultations, so you can understand what products work best for your hair! My PACC gives you the timing, knowledge, and the why & what to do concerning your hair loss. In 2022, my not final product but most excited accomplished product the D’Serv Chebe Food Treatment completed my theory about regrowing hair and giving the hopeless their GLORY back.

One of the key ingredients is Chebe from Africa! I am not a doctor, but I am a hair loss coach specialist who eats and sleeps about saving millions of strands of hair. One thing I do promise D’Serv Professional Hair Care and myself will not stop until people stop abusing their hair and scalp and learn to have patience and give their hair a chance again!

My life is busy these days, but I am living the dream, and making positive moves, and this is just the beginning. In 2019 I launched a live talk show called, (TALK HAIR TO ME) with special guests, products, and hair knowledge with giveaways, and I don’t hold back! I love to educate people about hair care! I believe everyone DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE AT HEALTHY HAIR!

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The struggles have been funding, timing, planning, and connections. Also, I struggled with marketing and hiring the right people. Most people want the money without having expertise.

Also, I would get so excited and talk too much to people who became blockers of contracts. Also, I needed to learn how to let go of business relationships when they are ruining my company. The biggest hurdle was marketing, and networking with people who could make a big difference for my brand.

I had people who would say they were going to become a distributor for my brand and then back right out of the deal. Also with big chain stores, they would turn me down because I wasn’t popular enough, or didn’t sell high in volume.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I develop hair loss products, and I have a hair loss salon treatment center where I give the clients system that turns their damaged hair back into the memory of when it was healthy.

I am set apart from others because I have written the book, and I am not untouchable, I connect with people through my talk show, salon, or free hair consultations. Coaching them about their negative thoughts, and stress, and rebuilding their confidence, along with growing their hair.

I won’t let them quit on themselves. I invented the PACC, to make sure people understand the why and what to do about their hair.

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
Yes, how during a crisis there are two different kinds of people, the one who swim and the one who will sink.

During that time, I had to reinvent the wheel in my business. I felt if I can make it during these kinds of times then I can make it anywhere.

I also learned that I am stronger than I know, and I became closer to GOD, and without him, I wouldn’t have made it!


  • $25.00, Damage Reversal Elixir Oil 4oz
  • $46.95, Chebe Food Treatment
  • $12.99, Damage Reversal Elixir Oil 2oz
  • $19.99, Derma Roller
  • $16.66, Silk Milk Restored Conditioner

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