Today we’d like to introduce you to Chelsey Burton
Hi Chelsey, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I’ve been a birth and postpartum doula 4 years now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I started life after college as a Respiratory Therapist working with children. It’s always been a dream to have a career in pediatrics but where I landed my feet was unknown. My journey turned when I had a child of my own and she didn’t survive. If i knew back then what a Doula was, my journey may have been a little smoother medically, mentally, and physically perhaps. Those emotions and feelings helped drive my ambition to help mothers and children all over. I threw myself into volunteering as much as I could at women’s shelters and homeless areas. One day I came across some info pertaining to doulas and midwives and I knew then, that it was my calling. I did my research, figured out what classes and/or tests I needed to take, and it was my best decision in life! To date, I’ve helped over 50 moms, and I couldn’t be more proud!
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Doulas fight everyday to be apart of the “important professions in the medical field.” It is a newer career compared to others but its “heart work.” We are on a very sentimental journey with mothers that require us to be helpers, informative, therapist, case workers, attentive, and whatever else is needed to keep mom/newborn healthy and provided for. Starting out, I didn’t have a hard time getting clients because word of mouth on social media took me far! I’ve had a great support system! As a brown doula in Memphis and surrounding areas, I always do what’s necessary to stand up for myself and the profession!
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I finished my trainings to become a birth and postpartum doula in October 2021. Immediately following, I founded Burton Birthing, LLC December 2021. Since then, I’ve taken courses to be certified in CPR, Domestic Violence in Motherhood, Advanced Perinatal Mental Health & Psychotherapy, and Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health. As a doula, it’s our duty to stay abreast on changes in the practice and always keep our client’s needs first. Although I’m a business owner, my company welcomes my clients as family. We practice on having open and honest communication, monthly meetings, and weekly check-ins. Most services include but not limited to prenatal care, birth assistance, and postnatal/postpartum care.
As a women, I always strive to keep pushing and being creative. Nothing is ever too much that I can’t achieve it. So, I started adding on events to insure to my clients that we are indeed, famILY! I host a Brunch N’ Babies every December to celebrate my business anniversary as well as catch up with my moms and babies that I’ve worked with throughout the years. I realized creating a safe space for first time moms, existing moms, and even fathers is golden! They can talk about feelings, milestones or lack there of, happiness, depression, and anything else their heart desires while also having fun, making new mommy friends, and enjoying themselves.
Doula services are mostly paid out of pocket. It isn’t covered through insurance. The people that need us the most, usually can’t afford it. A lot of doulas still work 9-5 jobs and while also running their business on the side full time. The next part of my journey was to raise money for low income and teenage mothers to be able to have doulas/midwives assistance during pregnancy at least. So, I hosted my first Black Tie Event in October of 2024 at The Renasant Center Downtown Memphis entitled; Labor 2 Life. This beautiful auction and donation event housed 240 amazing people from all over the city. I appreciative all of the vendors who donated services and those who gave funds. Burton Birthing was able to help 11 mothers this year with doula services and material goods such as diapers, wipes, clothes, strollers, and more.
I’m most proud of my brand because of growth! I’ve met some awesome people and done things I wouldn’t have imagined 4 years ago starting out. I’ve been invited to career fairs, public speaking with teenage girls, a news interview with Gina Neely & Bluff City Life, and recently a panel for Black Maternal Week. Down the road, my ultimate goal is to open a birthing center; and a housing facility for mothers in need of help on getting their lives back on track. This is only the beginning!
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
I was raised to be honest and do what I said I’d do. Take ownership, and don’t make excuses. To me, showing up matters most! In life and my profession, showing up for people is vital and important. Whether it be a need or want, someone has been vulnerable enough to entrust you with their space and time. I never take that gesture lightly because we’ve all been there. And as a postpartum doula, showing up could change an end of life situation! Be kind to people; everyone has a story. You just never know.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: Business: doulachelsbee / Personal: catchingvibes_chels
- Facebook: Business: Burton Birthing / Personal: Chels Burton