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The Most Inspiring Stories in Memphis

The heart of our mission is to find the amazing souls that breathe life into our communities. In the recent weeks, we’ve had the privilege to connect with some incredible artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and rabble rousers and we can’t begin to express how impressed we are with the incredible group below.

Amina “ms. Streetz”

There have definitely been some challenges. I feel it was mainly based on me being a woman. This was around the year 2000 to I say 2004 when I would meet with major record executives and they would kind of brush me off and I watched men get treated differently. Some executives would say I like your music but it’s missing something then months or a year later I would hear the same music I sent to executives on the radio or mixtapes. Read More>>

April Kirkwood

Despite the warmth of family, my childhood was not without its challenges. My mother’s mental health struggles kept us tethered close to home, shaping a life where venturing too far felt impossible. Yet, within these confines, I pursued education fervently, achieving two master’s degrees and laying a foundation for the person I would become. Read More>>


My journey started with a deep passion for both music and performing. I began by dancing and modeling in various music videos, which fueled my desire to pursue a career in entertainment. My acting breakthrough came with a role in Season 6 of ‘Power,’ leading to more opportunities, including appearances on Now That’s TV’s ‘Coming Up Miami,’ ‘The Mint,’ and ‘The Breakdown.’ My love for music has always been at the core of who I am, leading to the release of my latest single, ‘It’s Givin’.’ Through it all, I’ve stayed true to my roots, always striving to inspire and connect with my audience. Read More>>

Ej Nickols

The journey hasn’t always been smooth, especially when navigating the challenges between working for yourself versus staying in the corporate world. In a corporate environment, there’s a certain level of stability and predictability, with set hours, a steady paycheck, and a structured support system. However, that comes with its own struggles, like dealing with bureaucracy, limited creative freedom, and sometimes feeling like just another cog in the machine. Read More>>

Emily Moering

These events has become a safe space for others to slow down, connect, and take time for themselves-something that I know firsthand is essential but oftentimes overlooked. I have guests who come solo, with a friend, on a date, or with a group of friends. Each time, it’s always a good time! Through my business I continue to share my love for scented candles while encouraging others to prioritize self-care and find moments of peace in their busy lives for the benefit of their mental health. What started as a way to de-stress has become a mission to spread relaxation and joy one candle at a time. Read More>>

Shareta Hall

I started by following my mother Earlean Hall foot steps as an event planner/ decorator. My mother has been in business for over 35 years specializing in weddings until retirement. I took over the business in 2008 rebranded and expanded business including event venues decorations on and offsite offering services that fit all occasions. Read More>>

Lamees Muhamad

The Chakka food truck is an exhilarating experience that combines a passion for the sport of cricket, culinary expertise, and a sprinkle of entrepreneurial spirit. It begins with a dream-a vision of bringing unique flavors and authentic cuisines to the bustling streets and vibrant communities. I, Lamees Muhamad, wanted to take everything passed down to me, and bring it to life. As I take on this journey, I invite all you desi food fans, to come enjoy some modern Indo-Pak cuisine! Read More>>

Kendrick Moore

There under the guidance of Jennifer Shibaru I then received the tools to sharpen my raw abilities and develop my artistic voice. That voice grew louder at Overton High school as I began to think about the future. At Overton I decided that I want to use my creativity for more than artistry, but to develop the communities around me as an architect. So I ventured to Savannah Georgia where I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture from Savannah College of Art and Design. (Spring 2022) Read More>>

Tim Shirley

We offer hungry Memphians both wood-smoked barbecue and flavorful Mexican salsas, combining traditional methods of preparation, successfully fused together from both worlds. Think-Smoked Meat Tacos. Delicioso! We serve these succulent and flavorful tacos with various Mexican salsas or with bbq sauce and slaw in the style of the American South. Join us as we traverse these two amazing food cultures together, one bite at a time! Read More>>

Cherrish Moore

I began my journey with baking in Miami, Florida. Born and raised there you are naturally exposed to entrepreneurs and those dedicated to perfecting their craft. Excited for a new start I moved to Memphis in 2021 and never wanted my dream to die. I believe when I came here that the Lord would bless my gift to open doors for me and others and He has not failed us yet.  Read More>>

Carmen Darden

For a long time I was confused on the direction I wanted my life to go in…I just knew I wanted to write. So while I was at the UofM (University of Memphis) I changed my major a few times until I found out about journalism. I was able to be a reporter for the Daily Helmsman and on my last year I was the social media editor. I fell in love with storytelling because I fell in love with the people behind the stories. It took me a year longer to graduate after taking a year off to take care of my newborn, but it was so worth it. Read More>>

Dickie English

When “Krush U.K.” unfortunately dissolved with the departure of members, “The Molly Ringwalds” held on by changing up the lineup, and have since remained a very successful unit that has seen packed crowds everywhere they play. It has been the same consistent lineup since 2003, and the members are as follows: Sir Devon Nooner (Lead vocals, guitar, keyboards), “Platinum” Randi Wilde (Lead Guitar, Vocals), Dickie English (Keyboards, Vocals), Lord Phillip Wang (Bass Guitar, Vocals), and Sir Liam Thunders (Drums, Percussion, Vocals). Read More>>

De’unbrā Lajā

Wanting to support my family in any way I can 2019 I went to school in Atlanta Georgia to become an audio engineer and shortly after graduating college I started BigJewel inc. Creating this company would allow me full control of when and where my music or any works gets disbursed. This also helps my family, for some of my siblings are member of the company right now and once they are ready for their first business venture a DBA is possible for them. Read More>>

Kimyona Marzette

Managing a business with no blueprint or guidance is never easy especially while I working a full time job and in school. Business was really slow because I only had 2.5 hours between work and school every day. But being patient and keeping faith has really helped me to get where I am now. Since graduating I’ve been able to offer esthetic services full time. Read More>>

Marcus Hudson

A few years covid hit, I lost my job. I decided this was a great time to invest in my passion and decided to buy some equipment. and My first residency opportunity came from Dr. Dan Johnson, the owner of Brickhouse Grill located in Jonesboro, Ar. Once I received the opportunity to mix consistently many opportunities began to materialize with other business and organizations like Made With BlkLuv, Arkansas State University, Arkansas Tech University, Arkansas Baptist College, multiple NPHC organizations, and many more! Read More>>

Madison Inman

I ended up attending the University of Memphis – Go Tigers Go! Majoring in marketing and journalism with a concentration in advertising, I figured my creative aspirations would align eventually within those fields. During my senior year, I was selected for the MAIP program ( multicultural advertising internship program, a fellowship that connects interns with advertising agencies all across the country). After a summer in Chicago, I gained more clarity about the creative opportunities that awaited me after graduation. Read More>>

Peter Oliver

Ever since I was a little itty bitty groover, I’ve always had a passion for the art of dance. You name a style, I’ve mastered it. I guess you can say it’s apart of my DNA can ya dig it? I was a back to back dance title winner by the age of 7. I once broke a record for longest consecutive dance sequence with 16 hours or non stop movin’ and groovin’. I’ve opened dance schools in all corners of the USA. West Coast, East Coast, even the south. After you’ve achieved everything in one line of work, after the accolades start to pile, after the trophies and medals become furniture, it’s time to venture off. Read More>>

Ketrail Bellamy

Also times where I have felt like giving up because being overlooked can make you question your own talents or capabilities. I am also independent, so I fund everything which has been a obstacle itself when you really want to give your audience high quality content. I have also had to find myself in order to grow not only my music, but my relationships. Being a creative is not easy, but the reward is worth the risk. Read More>>

Richard Roseland

I grew up in Texas and had planned on living there the rest of my life. Whenever the possibility for a missions trip to Russia to work as a camp counselor at an orphanage camp came along when I was 16, I jumped at the possibility to be able to travel and see new places. It was fun to be able to experience life in Kostroma, Russia and to learn how to love on children who did not speak my language. There was such joy, even in the midst of such difficult circumstances like growing up without family. As soon as I arrived back in the US, I pushed it to the back of my mind to continue pursuing my dream of becoming an accountant. Read More>>

Mikey Freshcobar

Also I would like to thank my brothers, St Courts & Far Gone Tez, & TYG Nikee, KB Drippy, & South Memphis Spyda which led us to build a basketball team: SackRow! Our 2nd & 3rd celebrity game were held in South Memphis (thank you Mr Carter & thank you Gaston Gym). Our 4th game will be a Toy Drive & I would like to do it again in the Frayser community. Read More>>


Marcus Cox

So, as it turns out, I have always worked in the hospitality and tourism industry. I just didn’t know that was what you called it. My first job was at The Children’s Museum of Memphis. I worked there from high school through college. I loved it. Interacting with families from all over the world was so much fun. It was also the beginning of my understanding that my world could be larger than the small Memphis community I grew up in. Read More>>

Alya Perez

That is where I am today, I am now in a process of finding my lens as an artist, developing my techniques, as well as studying art. I am grateful that even as a painter who is not the best painter that I am surrounded by people, places, and opportunities to become the best version of the artist I wish to be. Read More>>

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